• Diagnostic visit for vegetation recovery after planting and tree management
    Diagnostic visit for vegetation recovery after planting and tree managementThe Agroof team is on a diagnostic visit to the plots on the Petit Saint-Jean estate in the Camargue with researchers from the UMR AMAP (botany and modelling of plant and vegetation architecture), specialists in tree roots and architecture. In fact, for each planting project, diagnostic … Read more
  • The Iberian Community of Agroforestry Systems and Mixed Crops, Spain's representative in the European Agroforestry Federation
    The Iberian Community of Agroforestry Systems and Mixed Crops is a thematic social network created in 2023 to connect people interested in this type of production systems. Agroforestry systems integrate trees on agricultural or livestock land, while mixed crops combine two or more agricultural and livestock productions in the same space. This Community, which is … Read more
  • AgroForAdapt, at the 7th European Agroforestry Conference!
    From 28th to 31st May we have participated in the 7th European Agroforestry Conference, the biannual meeting point of the continental agroforestry family, organised by EURAF, the European Agroforestry Federation. This edition was held in Brno (Czech Republic), with 400 participants. AgroForAdapt has been represented in five communications: - Coello J, Durante P, Tejedor R, … Read more
  • Fifth Newsletter (April 2024) online
    The fifth edition of the biannual newsletter AgroForAdapt is now available In this issue we present the 76 demonstration agroforestry systems of the project (854 ha), the first webinar of the Iberian Community of Agroforestry Systems and Mixed Crops, the study "Agroforestry systems in the Strategic Plan of the Spanish CAP: analysis and reflections", as well … Read more
  • Technical seminar on selective shrub clearing
    On Friday 3 May we will present the challenge of selective thinning (reduction of scrub density) to maintain the most interesting shrubs for the forest ecosystem: scarce species, those with special interest for the conservation of biodiversity and/or with forage interest. This conference will be held in the Aiguamúrcia forest (Tarragona, Spain), an AgroForAdapt demonstration … Read more
  • The Community of agroforestry systems and mixed cropping, an application highlighted by the Agromix project
    The Iberian Agroforestry and Mixed Farming Community has been highlighted by the Agromix project as a relevant innovation for the agroforestry sector, in the article: "Cultivating connections: the growth of thematic social networks in agroecology". This thematic social network specialised in agroforestry systems has been created by the LIFE AgroForAdapt and PRIMA Transition projects, and … Read more
  • Study "Agroforestry systems in the Spanish CAP Strategic Plan: analysis and reflections".
    In recent months we have collaborated with various projects and entities to describe the regulatory framework of agroforestry systems in Spain, in the framework of the new CAP (2023-27). We have completed the analysis with a SWOT analysis (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats) of this policy framework. The study will be published as a EURAF (European … Read more
  • Plantation at Mas del Fray, Salles des Gardons
    The last sowing of the season took place on 12 March 2024 at Mas del Fray, where Baron des Cévennes and Large White pigs are reared in the open air. The former are processed into sausages and the latter into fresh meat. Farmers Audrey Burban and Nicolas Villain are in charge of the entire production … Read more
  • First webinar of the Community of agroforestry systems and mixed crops
    The Iberian Community of Agroforestry Systems and Mixed Farming was created in 2023, in collaboration between LIFE AgroForAdapt and PRIMA Transition as a meeting point for the agroforestry community in Spain and Portugal, trying to give a leading role to ownership. In addition to functioning as a social network where images, news and debates can … Read more
  • We are back in the media
    Television and the written and digital press have echoed the silvopastoralism work we are carrying out in Sant Climent de Llobregat. Two appearances on TV stand out: 01/03/2024. Pasturar amb rucs per fer front als incendis. TV3. 04/03/2024. Cabres i rucs per lluitar contra la crisi climàtica. Gavà Televisió. In the press section of the … Read more
  • Planting at l'Oustal des Parpagnas, a goat farm in Saint-Félix-de-Pallières
    We planted 80 trees on the farm, mulberry, honey locust, olive and fruit trees that form an orchard. The soil is very rocky, so we had to use a mechanical shovel to dig it up. The goats, agile, curious and greedy animals, require extra protection for the trees! The objectives of the farmers, Nancy and … Read more
  • Intra-parcel tree planting at Domaine de Canavérier
    At the Domaine de Canavérier, the Syndicat Mixte de la Camargue gardoise, has decided to plant thousands of linear meters of hedges and trees within plots to create biodiversity corridors, shade zones, shelter, windbreaks…The natural environment is difficult, with strong winds, high salinity, periods of drought that follow waterlogging…following a high mortality rate, we are … Read more
  • Get to know the 76 AgroForAdapt demonstration agroforestry systems!
    We have produced three documents describing in detail the 76 demonstration systems that form the core of AgroForAdapt project, covering a total of 850 ha. We present them by type of system:
  • The CTFC carries out the planting of forage shrub plants in Mediterranean open woodlands.
    Before the end of 2023, the CTFC has planted 340 shrubs and trees in Mediterranean "dehesa, i.e. open woodland", specifically in cork oak dehesa in Agullana and oak dehesa in Sant Esteve d'en bas (Girona). The mock privet (Phillyrea latifolia), the barren privet (Rhamnus alaternus) and the cherry (Prunus avium) have been the protagonists of … Read more
  • Receipt of seedlings and planting material for the 2024 season
    Since the beginning of January, the Agroof team has been taking delivery of seedlings and planting material for new agroforestry projects and also for some of last year's projects that suffered losses due to lack of water, frost or damage by wild animals. The species include : Almond, Hawthorn, Wig tree, Judas tree, Hawthorn monogynous, … Read more
  • Technical monitoring visit to the Domaine du Petit Saint-Jean - "Clos des lièvres" plot
    Domaine du Petit Saint-Jean - Parcela "Clos des lièvres On Thursday 23 November, Agroof carried out monitoring at the Domaine du Petit Saint-Jean in Saint-Laurent d'Aigouze in the Camargue. We measured the height of the plants and their circumference at 1.30 metres on the 'Clos des lièvres' plot and noted diseases.This plot was planted in … Read more
  • Field visit on silvopastoralism with University of Lleida students
    On 29 November, CTFC and Agresta organised a field day with Forestry Engineering students from the University of Lleida in the AgroForAdapt demonstration stands in Muriel Viejo (Soria, Central Spain). The Junta de Castilla y León (regional government) has implemented, in collaboration with Agresta, 26.2 ha of silvicultural works in a mixed forest of Scots … Read more
  • Silvopastoralism in Aiguamúrcia (Tarragona, Spain)
    AgroForAdapt works in 27 forests in Catalonia and Castilla y León (more than 480 ha in total) to promote silvopastoralism as a climate change adaptation measure. To make it possible for livestock to enter the forest, we carry out silvicultural treatments and improve and condition the auxiliary infrastructures, including accesses, water points and livestock shelters. … Read more
  • Technical monitoring visit to the Domaine de Valensole
    On 16 November, at the Domaine de Valensole, our team monitored the agroforestry plantations by measuring the trees, their height and trunk circumference, and observing maintenance and any damage.
  • Meeting with local stakeholders in Sant Climent de Llobregat (Barcelona)
    On 25 October we visited the Can Colomer estate in Sant Climent de Llobregat (Barcelona province) to monitor and assess the silvicultural interventions carried out and to agree on the needs and characteristics of the facilities for the herd that is expected to graze the estate shortly. The visit included representatives from the Town Council, … Read more
  • Fourth Newsletter (October 2023) online
    The fourth edition of the biannual newsletter AgroForAdapt is now available. In this issue we present the Community of Agroforestry Systems and Mixed Crops, several networking actions with other European projects, the second meeting of the External Advisory Committee, a conference on agroecology that we organised in Soria (Spain), four conferences in which we have … Read more
  • Technical visit to Domaine Scamandre
    On 4 October, we paid a technical visit to the Domaine Viticole Scamandre. The visit was part of the Plan Relance de la Haie, our ReGard'Haies programme and the Life Agroforadapt project. Our aim was to assess the growth and development of the hedges and copses planted, noting in particular their state of health and … Read more
  • Socio-economic monitoring of agroforestry projects
    Charlotte Burel, an agricultural engineering student at ESA in Angers (France), is currently an intern at AGROOF as part of the European LIFE project: Agroforadapt. One of her main tasks is to carry out socio-economic monitoring of the 28 French agroforestry projects included in the Life programme. The aim is to collect data on the … Read more
  • Professional training for agroforestry technicians - France
    In what contexts can agroforestry be applied? What are the issues for a municipality or a territory?The integration of trees into an agricultural system raises agronomic, technical, administrative, legislative and social questions. Agroforestry touches on several themes, with specific stakeholder games and issues.Agroforestry can be a lever on a territory to meet several environmental challenges … Read more
  • Les Terres de Roumassouze - Gard (30) -France
    Elena and Olivier are the new farmers on the land at Roumassouze. They took over the farm from Denis and Virginie Flores nearly a year ago, and now grow a variety of vegetables using agroforestry techniques. As part of the AgroForAdapt programme, monitoring of the flora, pollinators and birds, as well as carbon sequestration in … Read more
  • Introducing the Spanish Community of Agroforestry Systems and Mixed Crops
    The Comunidad de Sistemas Agroforestales y Cultivos Mixtos is a meeting point (for the moment, virtual) for all those interested in these systems. The aim is to share and facilitate interactions between owners and managers of agroforestry systems, and between them and consultants and researchers. The application is free and allows sharing images and creating … Read more
  • Visit Arches Castriotes - Hérault (34) - France
    On Thursday 14 September, we visited the "Les Arches Castriotes" agroforestry pilot site in Castries (Hérault), run by Yann FORTUNATO. Welcomed by Estelle Mougeot from Racines de France, Yann's associate, she shared the background and feedback from this young project, initiated and supported by AGROOF, BioGard and the Distillerie de Bel Air in 2018. The … Read more
  • Visit to AgroForAdapt demonstration systems with the University of Bonn / ReForest Project
    On 8 August 2023 we visited the demonstrative silvoarable systems of Villoldo and Collazos de Boedo, in Palencia (central-north Spain), with representatives of CTFC,  Sorbus Bosques Multifuncionales (collaborating entity of LIFE AgroForAdapt) and the University of Bonn - project ReForest. In Villoldo we visited the farm La Sola agroecológica, where various silvorabke combinations have been … Read more
  • We participate in an IUFRO webinar on agroforestry systems
    We participated in the webinar " Agroforestry systems in the world: differences and similarities", held on 26-27 July and organised by IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) and Évora University (Portugal). In it, we presented the LIFE AgroForAdapt project and the ongoing activities.
  • AgroForAdapt - ReForest field visit
    On 30 June 2023 we carried out a joint field visit to agroforestry systems in Riudarenes (Girona, Spain) between representatives of the LIFE AgroForAdapt and Horizon Europe ReForest projects. Link to the visit report.
  • Monitoring of plantations in Château Saint-Martin - Var - France
    At Château Saint-Martin, a wine estate in the Var region (Provence), we are planting trees in 2021. Its objectives are several: to improve the landscape, to promote biodiversity, to develop arboriculture and to produce wood. The 3 photos below show the plot before, during and after planting. Before planting, in March 2019. Planting in March … Read more
  • We participate in a seminar on agroforestry policies
    On 28 June, the Reforest project organised the seminar "Agroforestry sector in the EU: Towards novel policies and financing frameworks", where we presented the AgroForAdapt project and the activities we are carrying out in relation to the study and proposal of improvements in the regulatory and political context that affects agroforestry systems.
  • Soil analysis on an experimental plot - Gard - France
    As part of the Agroforadapt project, on the Terres de Roumassouze in Vézénobres (30), we took soil samples at 3 different depths to analyze texture and carbon stock. On this historic experimental site, the trees, mostly hybrid walnut and poplar, are 20 to 30 years old. Farmers are involved in market gardening and arboriculture.
  • Pruning day at the Domaine de Valensole - Alpes de Haute Provence - France
    Organisation of a technical day on pruning high-growing trees planted in 2017, walnut trees and cherry trees associated with PPAM. Quote from a farmer on his agroforestry project : "I don't have any livestock on the farm, so the idea is to plant trees to improve the soil and produce more biomass. Because of the … Read more
  • Monitoring plantations at Arches Castriotes - Hérault - France
    Almond trees and rosemary in wide, tight strips.
  • Second meeting of the External Advisory Committee of the project
    On 8 June we held the second meeting of the project's External Advisory Committee in Girona, with a subsequent visit to the AgroForAdapt demonstration forest in Can Vilallonga (Cassà de la Selva). This day of debate and reflection focused on technical, regulatory and commercial aspects that affect silvopastoralism. A total of 16 people from outside … Read more
  • Successful participation at the conference on agroecology and agroforestry systems in Soria
    On 20 May 2023 we celebrated, in collaboration with Asociación Hacendera, the conference "For a viable agriculture and a living land in Soria", with more than 70 participants. Link to the video (morning session).
  • Seminar on agroecology and agroforestry systems in Soria - 20 May
    On 20 May we are organising in Soria, in collaboration with Asociación Hacendera, a conference on agroecological practices "For a Viable Agriculture and a Living Land in Soria". In addition to the AgroForAdapt project, the consulting companies Sustraiak Habitat Design and Sorbus Bosques Multifuncionales, as well as nine farmers who have been applying agroecology practices (regenerative, organic, conservation, agroforestry … Read more
  • Monitoring biodiversity on agroforestry plots - France
    Over the next three years, a variety of monitoring activities will be carried out in pilot sites in the Mediterranean context: monitoring of biodiversity (ornithological, pollinators, flora), monitoring of carbon sequestration, and monitoring of the microclimate of agroforestry plots. With the arrival of spring and the first flowers, our "Initiations Ornitho" specialists will travel around … Read more
  • Third newsletter (April 2023) online
    The third edition of the biannual newsletter AgroForAdapt is now available. In this issue we show the progress in the implementation of the project's demonstration agroforestry systems, the experimental monitoring protocols, the Community of Agroforestry Systems and Mixed Farming in Spanish and various conferences and trainings in which we have participated or are planning to … Read more
  • Professional training for agroforestry technicians - France
    In what contexts can agroforestry be applied? What are the issues for a municipality or a territory?The integration of trees into an agricultural system raises agronomic, technical, administrative, legislative and social questions. Agroforestry touches on several themes, with specific stakeholder games and issues.Agroforestry can be a lever on a territory to meet several environmental challenges … Read more
  • The agreement to facilitate the actions within Can Colomer estate is ready
    The Baix Llobregat Regional Council (CCBL), owner of “Can Colomer” estate in Sant Climent de Llobregat (Barcelona), has reached an agreement with GEDI cooperative through an authorization for public domain use. GEDI is a non-profit, social cooperative of associated work. Within the framework of LIFE AgroForAdapt project, and with the technical supervision of the Forest … Read more
  • Planting at Mas du Sire - Quissac - France
    At Mas du Sire, Porcqueno estate, on Wednesday 8 March, a team of planters joined the farmer, Caroline Barcelo, for the second phase of planting for the pigs of the Barons des Cévennes brand. Last year, we planted some 800 trees in hedgerows and in the paddocks for the whole farm. This year, Caroline is … Read more
  • Transfer day on Agroecology
    On March 9th a transfer day on Agroecology will take place in Vic (Barcelona province). In this event, Fundació Emys (AgroForAdapt beneficiary) will introduce the project and the agroforestry systems as a tool for climate change adaptation. Programa agricultura regenerativa 9 mar.pdf
  • A brochure on co-design of agroforestry projects
    This brochure presents a methodology to co-design agroforestry projects. Its paper version will soon be distributed to 463 agricultural schools in France. This document was developed within the framework of the projects ARBRISS’EAU (with the financial support of AERMC), ADRENOME (with the financial support of Occitanie Region) and AgroForAdapt (financed by the LIFE Programme of … Read more
  • Domaine de Scamandre, Gard, France
    At the Domaine Viticole Renouard Scamandre, in Vauvert in the Gard, the first agroforestry tree plantations date back to 2007 with 240 trees. They continued in 2012 with hedges. In 2023, 250 trees were planted again, making it possible to exceed the number of 2000 trees planted on the plots. The target is 3500 trees … Read more
  • Introducing AgroForAdapt’s monitoring protocols
    We have recently delivered the monitoring protocols that we are using to assess the effect of demonstrative agroforestry systems on multiple indicators and ecosystem services, especially those related to climate change adaptation capacity. We have emphasized: a) Productive aspects and carbon balance (action D2) b) Vulnerability to wildfires in forests where silvopastoralism is incorporated (D3) … Read more
  • Introducing the navigable viewer of AgroForAdapt demonstrative systems
    In this navigable viewer you can check the location, area and main features of the 77 demonstrative agroforestry systems of LIFE AgroForAdapt, totalling 857 ha. During the project we will add pictures and information on their evolution.
  • Training on silvopastoral systems
    On December 13th and 14th Tarragona Province Council, co-financing entity of LIFE AgroForAdapt, organizes in Reus town the training “Economic potential of silvopastoralism for sustainable forest management”. Further information in this link.
  • AgroForAdapt, back to the TV
    On November 15th we participated in “Fet a mida” program from the Catalan network of local TV channels. We introduced the concept and objectives of the agroforestry systems and various technologies applied in LIFE AgroForAdapt monitoring. The full vídeo is available in this link.
  • Life AgroForAdapt on TV
    In September 2022, various media echoed the second LIFE AgroForAdapt coordination meeting, held in Solsona (Lleida, Spain) on September 14 and 15, including a field visit. Here are the links to the short documentaries: Appearance in Canal Taronja. Appearance in TV3
  • Project brochure and poster
    We have produced a brochure and a poster introducing the objectives, methodology and beneficiaries of the project. Check and share!
  • Agroforestry systems: producing more and better in times of uncertainty
    We have published, in collaboration with the PRIMA Transition project, an article in Extensius.cat magazine on the interest of agroforestry systems in the current context of climate, energy and raw material crisis. Link to the article (in Catalan).
  • We participate in the 8th Spanish Forest Congress
    The LIFE AgroForAdapt project was present at the 8th Spanish Forest Congress held in Lleida the last week of June. This event, led by the Spanish Society of Forest Sciences (SECF), brings together nearly a thousand participants from all areas of the Spanish forest sector every four years. In this edition we presented the communication … Read more
  • We defend the particularities of the Mediterranean forest in European policies
    We have participated, along with 7 other LIFE projects related to Mediterranean forests, in an initiative to bring to Brussels the shortcomings that we have identified in the European forest policy regarding the Mediterranean context. In addition to the conference held on May 31, we have prepared the report "A step forward in EU forest … Read more
  • AgroForAdapt project: supporting Mediterranean forests in Brussels
    LIFE AgroForAdapt participates on May 31st, 2022 at the event “A step forward in Forest policy: the Mediterranean perspective”, together with other 7 LIFE projects related to Mediterranean forests. The aim is to raise the voice of the Mediterranean forest for its adequate consideration in European forest policy. Registration link HERE Downloadable Agenda HERE Link to the live … Read more
  • First issue of AgroForAdapt Newsletter
    Just released, the first edition of LIFE AgroForAdapt Newsletter. We introduce the project, its working areas, the first appearances in the media and the first ongoing actions. Please subscribe!
  • First meeting of the External Project Advisory Committee
    On March 30 we held, in webinar format, the first meeting with the project's advisory committee. This entity is composed of experts in the different subjects addressed in the project. In this first meeting we prioritized the presence of experts in the design and management of agroforestry systems, and in their monitoring based on multiple … Read more
  • We participate at the VI AgroForestry Week, ETSIIAA Palencia
    On March 22nd we participate in the workshop "Agroforestry Development Experiences & Rural Innovation", organised by Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenierías Agrarias of Palencia (University of Valladolid, Spain). The workshop can be attended online.
  • LIFE AgroForAdapt at La Vanguardia Newspaper
    The LIFE AgroForAdapt project has been mentioned in the first issue of 2022 of La Vanguardia newspaper (one of the top newspapers in Spain), with interventions by Jaime Coello (CTFC), Ander Achotegui (Fundació Emys) and Josep Maria Tusell, owner of one of the project's demonstrative silvoarable systems. Link to the publication
  • Project kick-off meeting
    Today we have held the first meeting of the project, in a combined telematic and face-to-face format. In total we have had 26 participants from the 8 beneficiary entities of the project.
  • Participation in the LIFE Welcome meeting event
    CINEA, the European Commission’s agency managing the LIFE call, invited us to participate in the "LIFE20 Welcome Meeting - Climate Action" event, held in webinar format. We presented AgroForAdapt projects and got to know other new LIFE projects. Link to the presentation made.
  • Official launch of the project
    Today we start the journey of LIFE AgroForAdapt. During the next five years we will work to contribute to the adaptation to climate change of the Mediterranean agricultural and forestry sectors by promoting agroforestry (silvoarable and silvopastoral) systems.