Throughout the project we aim to achieve the following results:

  • Establish 23 demonstrative silvoarable systems (165 ha), improve the management by incorporating adaptation criteria in 16 additional systems (126 ha) and induce their replication in 300 ha.
  • Establish 11 demonstrative silvopastoral systems in grasslands (176 ha) inducing their replication in 275 ha.
  • Establish demonstrative silvopastoral systems in 12 forest stands (335 ha) to reduce their vulnerability to fires; induce their replication in 800 ha.
  • Assess the performance of the demonstrative agroforestry systems, compared to conventional systems, with regard to multiple ecosystem services: productivity, profitability, carbon fixation, forest composition, pasture diversity, vulnerability to forest fires, vitality, extreme temperatures buffering, air humidity and soil moisture, light availability, water balance, biodiversity (flora, birds, pollinators, butterflies).
  • Development and pilot testing of 5 tools for: i) prioritization of areas where to install silvoarable systems and ii) silvopastoral systems; iii) design of silvoarable systems; iv) integrated agroforestry planning at landscape level; v) commercial promotion of agroforestry products.
  • Induce changes in regulations, policies and adaptation plans to promote agroforestry systems
  • Raise awareness among 1,850,000 people about the interest and potential of agroforestry systems as a land use with high interest for adaptation to climate change and with added value considering other ecosystem services.
  • Raise awareness among 1,850,000 people about the interest and potential of agroforestry systems as a land use with high interest for adaptation to climate change and with added value considering other ecosystem services.
  • Establishment of specific training modules on agroforestry systems in 2 official education programs in Spain.