The agreement to facilitate the actions within Can Colomer estate is ready
The Baix Llobregat Regional Council (CCBL), owner of “Can Colomer” estate in Sant Climent de Llobregat (Barcelona), has reached an agreement with GEDI cooperative through an authorization for public domain use. GEDI is a non-profit, social cooperative of associated work.
Within the framework of LIFE AgroForAdapt project, and with the technical supervision of the Forest Science and Technology Center of Catalonia (CTFC) and the Barcelona Metropolitan Area (AMB), the following actions are planned:
- Silvicultural treatments to promote silvopastoralism
- Monitoring of the actions carried out and data collection
- Dissemination of the project and the actions carried out

On February 25, 2023, a visit was made to Can Colomer estate with members of GEDI cooperative, together with technicians from CCBL, CTFC and AMB. In this meeting, the rights and duties of each entity were discussed, which are included in the authorization document for use of the public domain. We identified the forest areas to intervene and the location of the fence to be installed.