The Iberian Community of Agroforestry Systems and Mixed Crops, Spain's representative in the European Agroforestry Federation

The Iberian Community of Agroforestry Systems and Mixed Crops is a thematic social network created in 2023 to connect people interested in this type of production systems. Agroforestry systems integrate trees on agricultural or livestock land, while mixed crops combine two or more agricultural and livestock productions in the same space.

This Community, which is free to register, currently has 130 members, with a large majority of landowners and managers. In addition to its functioning as a social network, quarterly webinars are organised to bring members together, introduce agroforestry farms, ongoing initiatives, etc. The next webinar will take place on Wednesday 12 June at 12:00, with access for members of the Community.

The Community is in luck, as the European Agroforestry Federation (EURAF) has appointed this platform as the representative of Spain in the Federation. The announcement was made during the 7th European Agroforestry Conference, the main agroforestry meeting point in Europe, held every 2 years and which gathered around 400 participants in Brno (Czech Republic).

One of the projects promoting the Community is LIFE AgroForAdapt.