Diagnostic visit for vegetation recovery after planting and tree management

Diagnostic visit for vegetation recovery after planting and tree managementThe Agroof team is on a diagnostic visit to the plots on the Petit Saint-Jean estate in the Camargue with researchers from the UMR AMAP (botany and modelling of plant and vegetation architecture), specialists in tree roots and architecture. In fact, for each planting project, diagnostic […]

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Plantation at Mas del Fray, Salles des Gardons

The last sowing of the season took place on 12 March 2024 at Mas del Fray, where Baron des Cévennes and Large White pigs are reared in the open air. The former are processed into sausages and the latter into fresh meat. Farmers Audrey Burban and Nicolas Villain are in charge of the entire production […]

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Planting at l'Oustal des Parpagnas, a goat farm in Saint-Félix-de-Pallières

We planted 80 trees on the farm, mulberry, honey locust, olive and fruit trees that form an orchard. The soil is very rocky, so we had to use a mechanical shovel to dig it up. The goats, agile, curious and greedy animals, require extra protection for the trees! The objectives of the farmers, Nancy and […]

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Intra-parcel tree planting at Domaine de Canavérier

At the Domaine de Canavérier, the Syndicat Mixte de la Camargue gardoise, has decided to plant thousands of linear meters of hedges and trees within plots to create biodiversity corridors, shade zones, shelter, windbreaks…The natural environment is difficult, with strong winds, high salinity, periods of drought that follow waterlogging…following a high mortality rate, we are […]

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Receipt of seedlings and planting material for the 2024 season

Since the beginning of January, the Agroof team has been taking delivery of seedlings and planting material for new agroforestry projects and also for some of last year's projects that suffered losses due to lack of water, frost or damage by wild animals. The species include : Almond, Hawthorn, Wig tree, Judas tree, Hawthorn monogynous, […]

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Technical monitoring visit to the Domaine du Petit Saint-Jean - "Clos des lièvres" plot

Domaine du Petit Saint-Jean - Parcela "Clos des lièvres On Thursday 23 November, Agroof carried out monitoring at the Domaine du Petit Saint-Jean in Saint-Laurent d'Aigouze in the Camargue. We measured the height of the plants and their circumference at 1.30 metres on the 'Clos des lièvres' plot and noted diseases.This plot was planted in […]

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Technical monitoring visit to the Domaine de Valensole

On 16 November, at the Domaine de Valensole, our team monitored the agroforestry plantations by measuring the trees, their height and trunk circumference, and observing maintenance and any damage.

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Technical visit to Domaine Scamandre

On 4 October, we paid a technical visit to the Domaine Viticole Scamandre. The visit was part of the Plan Relance de la Haie, our ReGard'Haies programme and the Life Agroforadapt project. Our aim was to assess the growth and development of the hedges and copses planted, noting in particular their state of health and […]

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Socio-economic monitoring of agroforestry projects

Charlotte Burel, an agricultural engineering student at ESA in Angers (France), is currently an intern at AGROOF as part of the European LIFE project: Agroforadapt. One of her main tasks is to carry out socio-economic monitoring of the 28 French agroforestry projects included in the Life programme. The aim is to collect data on the […]

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Professional training for agroforestry technicians - France

In what contexts can agroforestry be applied? What are the issues for a municipality or a territory?The integration of trees into an agricultural system raises agronomic, technical, administrative, legislative and social questions. Agroforestry touches on several themes, with specific stakeholder games and issues.Agroforestry can be a lever on a territory to meet several environmental challenges […]

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