A brochure on co-design of agroforestry projects
This brochure presents a methodology to co-design agroforestry projects. Its paper version will soon be distributed to 463 agricultural schools in France. This document was developed within the framework of the projects ARBRISS’EAU (with the financial support of AERMC), ADRENOME (with the financial support of Occitanie Region) and AgroForAdapt (financed by the LIFE Programme of […]
Introducing AgroForAdapt’s monitoring protocols
We have recently delivered the monitoring protocols that we are using to assess the effect of demonstrative agroforestry systems on multiple indicators and ecosystem services, especially those related to climate change adaptation capacity. We have emphasized: a) Productive aspects and carbon balance (action D2) b) Vulnerability to wildfires in forests where silvopastoralism is incorporated (D3) […]
Introducing the navigable viewer of AgroForAdapt demonstrative systems
In this navigable viewer you can check the location, area and main features of the 77 demonstrative agroforestry systems of LIFE AgroForAdapt, totalling 857 ha. During the project we will add pictures and information on their evolution.
Training on silvopastoral systems
On December 13th and 14th Tarragona Province Council, co-financing entity of LIFE AgroForAdapt, organizes in Reus town the training “Economic potential of silvopastoralism for sustainable forest management”. Further information in this link.
AgroForAdapt, back to the TV
On November 15th we participated in “Fet a mida” program from the Catalan network of local TV channels. We introduced the concept and objectives of the agroforestry systems and various technologies applied in LIFE AgroForAdapt monitoring. The full vídeo is available in this link.
Life AgroForAdapt on TV
In September 2022, various media echoed the second LIFE AgroForAdapt coordination meeting, held in Solsona (Lleida, Spain) on September 14 and 15, including a field visit. Here are the links to the short documentaries: Appearance in Canal Taronja. Appearance in TV3
Project brochure and poster
We have produced a brochure and a poster introducing the objectives, methodology and beneficiaries of the project. Check and share!
Agroforestry systems: producing more and better in times of uncertainty
We have published, in collaboration with the PRIMA Transition project, an article in Extensius.cat magazine on the interest of agroforestry systems in the current context of climate, energy and raw material crisis. Link to the article (in Catalan).
We participate in the 8th Spanish Forest Congress
The LIFE AgroForAdapt project was present at the 8th Spanish Forest Congress held in Lleida the last week of June. This event, led by the Spanish Society of Forest Sciences (SECF), brings together nearly a thousand participants from all areas of the Spanish forest sector every four years. In this edition we presented the communication […]
We defend the particularities of the Mediterranean forest in European policies
We have participated, along with 7 other LIFE projects related to Mediterranean forests, in an initiative to bring to Brussels the shortcomings that we have identified in the European forest policy regarding the Mediterranean context. In addition to the conference held on May 31, we have prepared the report "A step forward in EU forest […]