Technical visit to Domaine Scamandre
On 4 October, we paid a technical visit to the Domaine Viticole Scamandre. The visit was part of the Plan Relance de la Haie, our ReGard'Haies programme and the Life Agroforadapt project. Our aim was to assess the growth and development of the hedges and copses planted, noting in particular their state of health and the effectiveness of the mulches and their protection. This information is crucial to the sustainability of the project. We also had a discussion with Laurent de Groc, the estate's cellar master. He gave us feedback on the management operations carried out. This exchange enabled us to identify areas for improvement in the future. The dead plants will be replaced next winter, depending on the results of this monitoring. This action is necessary to improve the chances of successful planting. We remain pragmatic and focused on solutions to ensure the long-term viability of the project, by constantly adapting to changes in the climate.