The main objective of LIFE AgroForAdapt project is to promote agroforestry systems for
climate change adaptation of the agrarian and forestry sectors in the Mediterranean.

In the project we work with two types of agroforestry systems:

  • Silvoarable: woody vegetation combined with crops. [Picture gallery]
  • Silvopastoral: woody vegetation combined with livestock grazing. [Picture gallery]

In both cases, the aim of this deliberate combination is to obtain benefits resulting from the
interactions between the trees and the crops or livestock.

The specific objectives of the project are:

Evaluate and demonstrate how Mediterranean agroforestry systems are a land use that
promotes resilience to drought and forest fires, while improving the provision of multiple
ecosystem services: protection of biodiversity, income diversification, profitability, carbon
fixation, landscape and socio-cultural values, etc.

Increase the Mediterranean demonstrative agroforestry area by installing or improving the
management of 291 ha of silvoarable systems and 511 ha of silvopastoral systems and
inducing the replication of additional 300 and 1,075 ha, respectively.

Develop and apply innovative tools to:

i) evaluate ecosystem services and vulnerability to climate change of agricultural, forestry
and agroforestry systems.

ii) facilitate the design and prioritization of areas to install agroforestry systems.

iii) evaluate the long-term performance of demonstrative agroforestry systems.

Promote agroforestry systems in adaptation plans and territorial management and in climate,
agricultural, forestry and environmental policies and regulations.

Raise awareness of the interest and multifunctionality of these systems among society in general and among the agricultural and forestry sectors in particular

Develop, and apply on a pilot scale, planning and commercial tools to promote agroforestry systems.