Meeting with local stakeholders in Sant Climent de Llobregat (Barcelona)
On 25 October we visited the Can Colomer estate in Sant Climent de Llobregat (Barcelona province) to monitor and assess the silvicultural interventions carried out and to agree on the needs and characteristics of the facilities for the herd that is expected to graze the estate shortly. The visit included representatives from the Town Council, the forest work company, the owner of the herd, as well as the technical teams from CTFC and AMB, partners of AgroForAdapt.
On the same day, an informative talk was given to hunters, members of the Association of Forest Defence, forest rangers and firefighters. The technical team of CTFC and AMB explained AgroForAdapt project, as well as the main objectives and the work being carried out at Can Colomer. An interesting debate was generated, mainly focused on the opportunity that projects like
AgroForAdapt represent to promote forest management in the municipality, and the importance of communication and coordination during hunting periods to avoid or minimise possible impacts on the herds.