AgroForAdapt, at the 7th European Agroforestry Conference!

From 28th to 31st May we have participated in the 7th European Agroforestry Conference, the biannual meeting point of the continental agroforestry family, organised by EURAF, the European Agroforestry Federation. This edition was held in Brno (Czech Republic), with 400 participants. AgroForAdapt has been represented in five communications:

- Coello J, Durante P, Tejedor R, Busquets E, de Torre B, Taüll M, Yáñez L, Casals P, Piqué M. PrioSilvAra and PrioSilPas: new tools for prioritising target areas for silvoarable and silvopastoral systems. Oral.

- Coello J, Lawson G, Bertomeu M, Casadesús A, Armengot L, Pauné F, Pascual D. Regulatory and policy framework for agroforestry systems in Spain. Oral.

- Minary N, Jiménez-de-Santiago D, Coello J, Balaguer F, Watté J, Selin Noren I, Dawson A, Brion P. Enhancing Agroforestry Practices: The Landfiles Application's Journey in Knowledge Sharing and Collaborative Innovation. Oral

- Coello J, de Torre B, Liagre F. LIFE AgroForAdapt project (2021-26): Promoting Mediterranean agroforestry as a tool for climate change adaptation. Poster.

- Hajdukovic I, Coello J, Armengot L, Dibari C, Jiménez-Martínez M, Kasargodu-Anebagilu P, Mayr S, Niether W. Carbon farming: an emerging opportunity to promote agroforestry. Poster.

You can consult these works in the book of abstracts of the Congress: