The project’s External Advisory Committee is composed of experts in various topics addressed in AgroForAdapt: design, management and monitoring of agroforestry systems; challenges and opportunities for regulatory and commercial promotion, how to promote the visibility and associationism of agroforestry producers, links and alliances with other initiatives, etc. The composition of the committee will vary in the four meetings scheduled during the project, adapting to its progress.
The list of members of this committee is provided below.
Name | Institutión |
Cristina Alcalde | Junta de Castilla y León |
Neus Aletà | IRTA |
Marc Arcarons | Fundació Pau Costa |
Jordi Bartolomé | Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona |
Laia Batalla | Escola de pastors i pastores de Catalunya |
Enric Bisbe | Consorci de les Gavarres |
Pep Bover | Agroforestry owner + livestock farmer (Cal Pauet) |
Maria Josep Broncano | CREAF |
Oscar Cisneros | Agerpix |
Cándido Gálvez | Semillas Silvestres, SL |
Laura García de Jalón | Chambre d'Agriculture de l'Hérault |
Pedro Mari Herrera | Fundación Entretantos |
Pau Figueras | Làctics Pauet + livestock farmer |
Antonio Lecegui | IRTA |
Laura Megías | Associació d'Iniciatives Rurals de Catalunya |
Mireia Mena | IAEDEN |
David Meya | Departament d'Acció Climàtica, Alimentació i Agenda Rural |
Gerardo Moreno | Universidad de Extremadura, INDEHESA |
Judit Nadal | Ramaderes de Catalunya + livestock farmer |
Epifanio Ordax | Agroforestry owner |
Maria Pipió | Diputació de Girona |
Marisa Reig | Biograssfed + livestock farmer |
Sonia Roig | Sociedad Española de Pastos |
Roser Rotches | CREAF |
Pía Sánchez | Fedehesa + livestock farmer |
José C. Santana | Sorbus Bosques Multifuncionales, SL |
Simó Serra | Bosquerols Gestió Forestal |
Josep Subirana | Consultor + livestock farmer |
Andreu Vila | Arreu.Bio |
Antoni Vilanova | Cultivos forestales y micológicos, SL |