Viewer of the project's demonstrative systems
Project publications
· Els sistemes agroforestals combinats: produir més i millor en temps d’incertesa (2022).
· LIFE AgroForAdapt: sistemas silvoarables y silvopastorales para la adaptación al cambio climático (2022). 8º Congreso Forestal Español
· Brochure on the co-design of agroforestry projects (Agroof, 2023, in French)
· Programme of the agroforestry technical trip to France (14-16 May 2024) (Spanish)
· Agroforestry systems in the Spanish CAP Strategic Plan: analysis and reflection (2024)
Detailed description of AgroForAdapt’s demonstration agroforestry systems
The following links show (in Spanish and French) the context, objectives and design of each of the 76 demonstration agroforestry systems of AgroForAdapt, grouped by system type:
- Silvoarable systems: combination of trees and crops.
- Open-landscape silvopastoral systems : livestock use combined with woody vegetation, established on former grassland or forest.
- Forest grazing: livestock use in forest environments.