Visit to AgroForAdapt demonstration systems with the University of Bonn / ReForest Project
On 8 August 2023 we visited the demonstrative silvoarable systems of Villoldo and Collazos de Boedo, in Palencia (central-north Spain), with representatives of CTFC, Sorbus Bosques Multifuncionales (collaborating entity of LIFE AgroForAdapt) and the University of Bonn - project ReForest. In Villoldo we visited the farm La Sola agroecológica, where various silvorabke combinations have been […]
We participate in an IUFRO webinar on agroforestry systems
We participated in the webinar " Agroforestry systems in the world: differences and similarities", held on 26-27 July and organised by IUFRO (International Union of Forest Research Organizations) and Évora University (Portugal). In it, we presented the LIFE AgroForAdapt project and the ongoing activities.
AgroForAdapt - ReForest field visit
On 30 June 2023 we carried out a joint field visit to agroforestry systems in Riudarenes (Girona, Spain) between representatives of the LIFE AgroForAdapt and Horizon Europe ReForest projects. Link to the visit report.
We participate in a seminar on agroforestry policies
On 28 June, the Reforest project organised the seminar "Agroforestry sector in the EU: Towards novel policies and financing frameworks", where we presented the AgroForAdapt project and the activities we are carrying out in relation to the study and proposal of improvements in the regulatory and political context that affects agroforestry systems.
Second meeting of the External Advisory Committee of the project
On 8 June we held the second meeting of the project's External Advisory Committee in Girona, with a subsequent visit to the AgroForAdapt demonstration forest in Can Vilallonga (Cassà de la Selva). This day of debate and reflection focused on technical, regulatory and commercial aspects that affect silvopastoralism. A total of 16 people from outside […]
Successful participation at the conference on agroecology and agroforestry systems in Soria
On 20 May 2023 we celebrated, in collaboration with Asociación Hacendera, the conference "For a viable agriculture and a living land in Soria", with more than 70 participants. Link to the video (morning session).
Seminar on agroecology and agroforestry systems in Soria - 20 May
On 20 May we are organising in Soria, in collaboration with Asociación Hacendera, a conference on agroecological practices "For a Viable Agriculture and a Living Land in Soria". In addition to the AgroForAdapt project, the consulting companies Sustraiak Habitat Design and Sorbus Bosques Multifuncionales, as well as nine farmers who have been applying agroecology practices (regenerative, organic, conservation, agroforestry […]
Third newsletter (April 2023) online
The third edition of the biannual newsletter AgroForAdapt is now available. In this issue we show the progress in the implementation of the project's demonstration agroforestry systems, the experimental monitoring protocols, the Community of Agroforestry Systems and Mixed Farming in Spanish and various conferences and trainings in which we have participated or are planning to […]
The agreement to facilitate the actions within Can Colomer estate is ready
The Baix Llobregat Regional Council (CCBL), owner of “Can Colomer” estate in Sant Climent de Llobregat (Barcelona), has reached an agreement with GEDI cooperative through an authorization for public domain use. GEDI is a non-profit, social cooperative of associated work. Within the framework of LIFE AgroForAdapt project, and with the technical supervision of the Forest […]
Transfer day on Agroecology
On March 9th a transfer day on Agroecology will take place in Vic (Barcelona province). In this event, Fundació Emys (AgroForAdapt beneficiary) will introduce the project and the agroforestry systems as a tool for climate change adaptation. Programa agricultura regenerativa 9 mar.pdf